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Days Gone


PSN user rating: 89.0% (votes: 41,690)
Total player count
as of 19 November 2024
New players
19 Oct – 19 Nov
Returning players
Returning players who have earned at least one trophy in the last month.

Archive as of 19 November 2020, no future updates

Total player count by date

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8,700,000 players (97%)
earned at least one trophy

18,000 accounts (0.2%)
with nothing but Days Gone

46 games
the median number of games on accounts with Days Gone

21 days
the median retention period (between the first and the last trophy), players without trophies are excluded

Popularity by region

Relative popularity
compared to other regions
Region's share
North Americaworldwide average36%
Central and South America1.4x more popular14%
Western and Northern Europe1.2x less popular28%
Eastern and Southern Europe1.4x more popular8%
Asiaworldwide average8%
Middle East2x less popular2.5%
Australia and New Zealand1.3x less popular2.5%
South Africaworldwide average0.4%

Popularity by country

Relative popularity
compared to other countries
Country's share
Hungary2.5x more popular0.3%
Russia2.5x more popular5%
Brazil2.5x more popular6%
Czech Republic2.5x more popular0.4%
Mexico2x more popular3%
Colombia2x more popular0.8%
Slovakia1.8x more popular0.1%
Chile1.8x more popular1.2%
Ukraine1.8x more popular0.4%
Costa Rica1.8x more popular0.3%
Thailand1.7x more popular0.3%
Bolivia1.6x more popular0.08%
Peru1.6x more popular0.4%
Uruguay1.6x more popular0.1%
Guatemala1.5x more popular0.1%
India1.4x more popular0.5%
Paraguay1.3x more popular0.06%
South Korea1.3x more popular0.6%
Singapore1.3x more popular0.3%
Germany1.2x more popular5%
Poland1.2x more popular1.2%
El Salvador1.2x more popular0.07%
Austria1.2x more popular0.5%
South Africaworldwide average0.4%
United Kingdomworldwide average8%
United Statesworldwide average33%
Luxembourgworldwide average0.05%
Panamaworldwide average0.09%
Australiaworldwide average2%
Argentinaworldwide average1.2%
Ecuadorworldwide average0.2%
Franceworldwide average6%
Taiwanworldwide average0.4%
Portugalworldwide average0.4%
Greeceworldwide average0.2%
Hong Kongworldwide average1.8%
Malaysiaworldwide average0.3%
Canadaworldwide average3%
Hondurasworldwide average0.05%
Switzerlandworldwide average0.4%
Belgiumworldwide average0.8%
Irelandworldwide average0.4%
Turkeyworldwide average0.6%
Nicaraguaworldwide average0.02%
Italy1.2x less popular1.9%
Indonesia1.2x less popular0.2%
Denmark1.2x less popular0.3%
Croatia1.3x less popular0.08%
Sweden1.3x less popular0.4%
Spain1.3x less popular2.5%
Slovenia1.4x less popular0.02%
Japan1.4x less popular4%
Finland1.5x less popular0.2%
Romania1.5x less popular0.1%
Norway1.6x less popular0.2%
Netherlands1.7x less popular0.8%
Kuwait1.7x less popular0.1%
New Zealand1.7x less popular0.3%
Bulgaria1.8x less popular0.07%
Emirates1.8x less popular0.5%
Saudi Arabia2.5x less popular0.9%
Malta2.5x less popular0.01%
Cyprus2.5x less popular0.01%
Iceland2.5x less popular0.01%
Israel2.5x less popular0.1%
Oman2.5x less popular0.04%
Bahrain2.5x less popular0.03%
Qatar3x less popular0.05%
Lebanon3x less popular0.03%
China4x less popular0.3%
The numbers on are not official, this website is not affiliated with Sony or Microsoft.
Every estimate is ±10% (and bigger for small values).
Please read how it worked and make sure you understand the meaning of data before you jump to conclusions.